Monday, March 26

Edison Light Enlightenment

Why choose Edison Light for a blog name that has nothing to do with light bulbs?

It was chosen for a couple of reasons...

It provides light. There's a phrase "shedding some light" that would seem it provides more than just light to see. It provides enlightenment. Gives you light to see things differently, ponder something new, gives a new perspective.

It also is a symbol of persistence. Edison created what I've read was over 3,000 different attempts at creating the lightbulb before he finally figured out what worked. Thanks for that, Mr. Edison... I usually give up after 40 failed attempts.

I'm a huge design geek (eh, snob) and the Edison Light embodies everything I think is "good" design. It's functional and beautiful. It does it's job without any unnecessary frills and "just because" additions. (I HATE when people add "design" elements "because it looks cool.... that never equals good design.) It's industrial and timeless... an Edison Light would look awesome in just about any room, in any era, and in any design scheme. Not many pieces could have "simple, elegant, industrial, timeless, and practical" on their list of adjectives, but the Edison Light does.

And yeah... it's also the title of my favorite Daniel Ellsworth & the Great Lakes song. How can you not love a song with the line "Think I'll get out of bed and go to the places I feel happy Oh, oh, oh..."

So there you go. My thought process behind calling my blog "Edison Light." Am I enlightening and practical? Do I design simple, timeless, beautiful pieces? Do I have GREAT taste in music.

Eh... in reality, probably not comparatively.

But in my world, yes. Hell yes. And my blog is my world... so yes. Deal with it, world.